Why This Matters
We are in a climate crisis! We need to transform our global energy systems to eliminate carbon emissions at unprecedented speed. Climate leaders must do what it takes to help solve this problem. Fortunately, the Biden Administration has stepped up. But that isn't the case with environmental non-profits. These groups are stuck. Their anachronistic, knee-jerk opposition to nuclear power—our largest source of carbon-free energy—is holding back progress and a bipartisan approach to solving climate change. The reason: self-interest. They know we need nuclear power but they are afraid of losing donor support.
Ironically, mainstream environmental groups do not prioritize solving the climate crisis by eliminating emissions. They prioritize their own survival. They have taken their eye off the goal—eliminating fossil fuel emissions yet still providing humanity with the energy we need—and are reduced to promoting a particular "means" to that goal, namely renewables. They cannot approach this highly wicked, potentially catastrophic problem with an open mind and an "all hands on deck" mindset because of their fear of backlash from supporters who they've long conditioned to fear nuclear power. Thus, they are now part of the problem.
These enviornmental leaders are hypocrites: they are well aware that renewables are not sufficient. That some "renewables" are not even all carbon-free. But they are compromised by their own fear of losing their prominence, relevance and support. They are worried for their own reputations and believe they risk losing credibility as leaders. Too many of these old-fashioned environmentalists won't even look at the scientific data. To them, accepting the use of nuclear power is anathema to their own self-perception. So they band together and reject any effort to have their opinion shifted, despite knowing that we are at risk of missing our emissions reduction targets. Their true priorities are self-preservation more than actually helping to reduce emissions. Plus, because fossil fuels have allied with those supporting renewables, they further risk alienating their biggest corporate donors—fossil fuel interests.
Even though the BIden Administration, climate scientists, energy experts and most all international bodies are all supporting an "all of the above" and nuclear-inclusive approach to addressing climate, the following individuals and environmental non-profits are holding out for the failed "Renewables Only," approach. We are calling them out and showing how unrealistic, hypocritical and irresponsible their position is—especially to future generations. Learn more by reviewing our blog on the Trouble with Renewables.
Index of Issues with Renewables

Under-Stated Costs
Proponents are prone to claiming that renewables are cheaper than coal. But the true costs of adding renewables to the grid requires accounting for the added costs they impose on the energy system.

Unrealistic Assumptions
Mark Z. Jacobson has presented arguments that assert that we can power the world with just renewables. Sadly, these estimates are based on entirely unrealistic assumptions.

Severe Ecologic Impacts
The "green" aesthetics of images of renewables belie the large ecologic impacts that they impose on land, air and biological life. Wind power is wiping out many bird and bat species.

Vulnerable to Weather
Those touting wind and solar as the only solution needed, never address the issue of how extreme weather will impact those technologies which are wholely exposed to and dependent on the weather.

Wildly & Widely Unpopular
Opposition to wind and solar is growing from communities that find them nuisances and eye-sores. Proponents don't like to acknowledge that, in fact, these "green" technologies are unpopular.

Growing Production Costs
Production costs of solar and wind have declined considerably over the last decade but costs are rising again. Some of the decline was due to low cost fossil fuels and record low interest rates.

No Industrial Solutions
It is convenient for those pushing renewables to discuss their role on the electric grid because, in fact, these technologies don't provide viable economic solutions for industrial energy users.

Conflicted Advocates
Why are renewable proponents allied with fossil fuels? Why do those pushing the renewables-only approach act like bullies and refuse to engage in discussion of alternative approaches?

Siting & Permitting Delays
Production costs of solar and wind have declined considerably over the last decade but costs are rising again. Some of the decline was due to low cost fossil fuels and record low interest rates.

Ideologic & Partisan
For there to be real progress against fossil fuel emissions, we need to bring together broader coalitions in support of pragmatic solutions, yet renewables' ideologic leaders refuse to collaborate.

Other Issues
Other types of issues that don't fit neatly into other categories which explain why those advocating for renewables are causing us to fail to adequately solve the climate crisis
How the largest economies decarbonized

Let the Numbers Speak
What they're saying
To solve the climate problem, policy must be based on facts and not prejudice. Alongside renewables, Nuclear will make the difference between the world missing crucial climate targets or achieving them. [The Guardian]
The whole world has to lean into getting to net zero and addressing climate change. Nuclear is such a clear part of that. . . . Everywhere people are looking to us to help them reach their goals with nuclear. [Journal Record]
Dear Greenpeace,
It's a climate emergency! Drop your old-fashioned and unscientific opposition to nuclear power, and join us in the fight against fossil fuels instead. [RePlanet Petition]