Welcome to the Trouble with Renewables

We agree that there are some benefits to deploying renewables in certain places and in certain circumstances. Nevertheless, we disagree that the whole world can decarbonize expeditiously using nothing but wind and solar as some renewables hypesters would have you think.  Like with all types of energy, there are pros and cons to wind and solar.  Unfortunately, those who promote these technologies are not always unbiased or unconflicted. Too often they don't acknowledge the shortcomings that can make wind and solar the wrong technology. We are are introducing this website to gather the evidence and set the record straight. We are dismayed that certain individuals take a "my way or the highway"  approach and refuse to consider the importance of other types of energy that they personally may not prefer.  This is a very destructive and unproductive approach to dealing with the climate crisis, which is at hand.  We hope you will learn from these pages and, if you have any insights or data, share those with us.
